Wednesday 2 December 2009

What is FOREX?

Most people have no idea what the FOREX is and how it affects their life or the fact that they probably already have participated in it.

There is a good reason for this. It wasn’t until about ten years ago that the general population even had access to this dynamic market in terms of being able to open an account and trade it.

Before that, only major banks, multinational corporations and the mega wealthy had access to the speculative opportunities FOREX had to offer and funding a trading account often required one million USD or more.

Even though the general population did not have the opportunity to trade this market, as you will soon discover, we all participate in it whether we realize it or not.

Just recently, the internet has made it possible for the “little guys” like you and I to participate in the world’s biggest financial game.

Twelve years ago it would cost you a million or more dollars to participate with the big boys in this lucrative trading game, today you can open a trading account for just a few hundred dollars.

Few opportunities today offer so much reward for so little risk and for this reason people are flocking in droves to get their share.

Remember this!! - Most people lose money trading on the FOREX because they don't educate themselves on how the market works.

If you play this game like a lottery, expecting to win with luck and good fortune, you will loose all of your money. You may get lucky for awhile but just like Las Vegas, in the end the “house” wins and you end up broke.
After all, you are up against players like the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of America, mega multinational corporations, governments of countries around the world and super savvy investors like George Soros, do you really think these high stakes players trade by merely guessing? Of course not!!

The ONLY way to become a successful trader is to educate yourself on how this game is played.

You will still be speculating because no one truly knows which way the market will go next, but the difference will be that your "betting" or "trading" will be "educated" and this can tilt the odds ever so slightly into your favor.


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